General Eligibility
Curious Minds Childcare does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Children must be in good health verified by a physician’s statement. All children must meet the physical and immunization criteria as stated on the Office of Children and Family Services form, “Medical Report of Day Care Child”.
Parents with children that require special care must provide a “needs assessment” to the Director prior to enrollment. This assessment requires medical information provided by the parent and the child’s physician. Enrollment of the child will be determined based on Curious Minds Childcare’s ability to meet the needs of the child.
Daily Arrival and Departure Schedule
The maximum number of hours a child can remain in the center’s care is 9 on a daily bases. A daily arrival and departure schedule must be completed by parents upon enrolling their child. Any future changes to this schedule must be approved by the Director.
Procedures for Arrival and Departure
Curious Minds Hours of Operation:
Monday: 7:00AM- 6:00PM
Tuesday: 7:00AM- 6:00PM
Wednesday: 7:00AM- 6:00PM
Thursday: 7:00AM- 6:00PM
Friday: 7:00AM- 6:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Upon arrival, please ring door bell and a staff member will open the door for you. We do not give out our door security code due to security concerns.
Other people authorized to drop off or pick up your child must also ring the bell and will be screened at the door. No one will be allowed in the Center before 7:00 a.m. Parents are required to bring their children into his/her classroom and make contact with the teacher before leaving. Please assist your child with the removal and storage of outer garments. Please say good-bye to your child and make sure he/she knows you are leaving.
Please do not leave your vehicle running in the parking lot while dropping off or picking up your child. It is against New York State law and not safe.
When entering the building, it is mandatory that you sign your name and the time of arrival and departure on the sign-in sheet. Please be sure the teacher is aware that you have taken your child from the room or playground at the end of the day.
The Center closes at 6:00pm. Please arrive early enough to ensure exit from the building by 6:05pm. There will be a late pick-up fee of $1 per minute after 6:00pm and $5 per minute after 6:05pm.
Please let us know when someone unknown to the staff will be picking up your child. We will not release your child to an unauthorized person. We must have written permission on file from the parent or guardian for anyone other than a parent to pick up your child.
A “Pick-Up Authorization” form is required to be filled out by the parent/guardian along with the registration form.
If your child will be absent for any reason, it is imperative that you call the Center and speak with the Director or your child’s teacher.
We are dedicated to maintaining a positive relationship between home and the Childcare center. It is very important that parents and teachers keep an open line of communication at all times. Your child’s teacher will keep you in touch with your child’s daily activities, and we hope that you will keep us informed of any pertinent information we should know about your child. Parent messages and other pertinent information will be left in your child’s cubby. Please check the cubby daily. Parent/teacher conferences may be scheduled as necessary. Please contact the Director if you have any questions or concerns at (518) 598-8912.
Appropriate Clothing
Please dress children in comfortable, washable clothing each day. They participate in many activities, which require the ability to move about freely. Some of our projects also may be messy.
We go outside daily, weather permitting (temperature above 32 degrees). Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for all seasons. It is very important for children to get fresh air even in the winter months.
Each child is required to have a minimum of two changes of clothing including socks and underwear. All of the child’s clothing must be labeled. When wet or soiled clothing is sent home, please replace it the next day.
Parents are required to provide diapers and wipes for Infants and Toddlers.
Toys From Home
We prefer that children do not bring in toys from home. However, it can make the transition from home to Center easier for some children, so they may be allowed, for a limited time. If your child insists on bringing something from home, please keep in mind that we are not responsible for any items lost or broken. We are, of course, sensitive to the needs of a child who is very dependent on a security toy.
No toy guns or other toy weapons are allowed at the centers.
Nap Time
Each child is required by the Office of Children and Family Services to have an afternoon nap/rest period. Our policy requires a minimum 1 hour rest period. A designated quiet area will be provided for those children who are unable to rest after the 1st hour.
Parents are required to provide a sheet, crib sheet or blanket for their child. Clean bedding is required each week. Pillows are not allowed.
A stuffed animal may be provided by the parent if desired.
Meals and Nutrition
Parents are expected to bring adequate meals for their child. The center does not provide meals. In the event that a child does not have sufficient meals for the day, the center will provide adequate snacks.
If a child has a special diet/food allergy due to medical or religious reasons, please let the Director know. A written description of the dietary restriction is required.
Children are encouraged to taste each food item on their plate. They are not forced to eat what they do not like. Food is not offered as a reward, nor denied as a punishment to the children.
Parents must supply formula and baby food for their children in the Infant program. Baby bottles must be prepared at home and must include the child’s first and last name clearly labeled on the bottle.
Holiday Calendar
Curious Minds is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, President Day for staff training, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
The Center will close at 4:00 p.m. on Christmas and New Years Eve.
If the holiday falls on a Saturday the Centers will be closed the Friday before. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the Centers will be closed the following Monday.
Snow Day Closing Policy
The Guilderland Center will open two hours late (9:00 a.m.) when the Guilderland School District is closed.
While Curious Minds Childcare would like to always open during inclement weather, there are times when traveling conditions are unsafe which require that the Center will be closed.
Please watch WNYT (Channel 13) for school closings. Additionally, you may also go to their website or use their application for your cell phone.
The Center is always open for the parent/guardian to observe the daily activities of the Center; however, please check in with the Director so that she and the staff are aware of your presence.
In the event of illness or injuries requiring immediate attention, the Director of Curious Minds Childcare will secure emergency medical care and notify the child’s parents, guardians, or other persons having legal custody. All accidents will be recorded in the child’s permanent record. An emergency medical permission form (Blue Card) is required to be filled out by the parent/guardian along with the registration form.
All emergency telephone numbers are posted. In the event of an emergency, our staff is instructed to:
- Stay calm and get help;
- Contact ambulance and/or hospital if need demands (Emergency numbers are always accessible for teachers/staff in the event of an emergency.
- Contact Parents/guardians.
The Center has on file an Emergency Evacuation Plan. This plan includes the location of the child and staff outside of the building in the event of an emergency. Incident reports are provided to parents when their child is injured.
General Guidelines
Curious Minds Childcare reserves the right to change any policies and fee schedules to meet the needs of the Centers to ensure the best quality care for the children.
Curious Minds Childcare reserves the right to determine full and part time attendance availability. Part time enrollment is subject to change with a two week notice to the parent.
Curious Minds Childcare reserves the right to dismiss any child whose behavior may threaten the welfare of the staff or other children at the Centers.
Curious Minds Childcare reserves the right to discontinue child care to those who do not comply with the Center’s policies.
Employees are prohibited from working in any capacity for Curious Minds Childcare clients while employed by Curious Minds Childcare (including caring for children at the Center before opening or after closing time and being paid directly by a client). Additionally, employees are prohibited from driving any of the children to or from the Center.
Tuition Rates and
Registration, Tuition and Program Fee Information
Prior to enrollment, parents meet with the School Director to become familiar with the Center’s policies and procedures. We strongly recommend that the parent and child visit the program prior to the first day to help child and parent adjust to the program.
Registration Process
A $50 non-refundable registration fee and a one-week prepayment is required to enroll your child at Curious Minds Childcare.
Please ensure that all registration forms and medical forms are completed and returned to the Director before the child can begin day care.
Upon receiving at least two weeks’ written notice that your child will be leaving the program, the prepayment may be applied toward any outstanding balance or refunded after all checks have been cleared. If you withdraw from the program and the prepayment is either used for tuition or refunded, and you then decide to return to our program at a later time, the non-refundable $50 registration fee and 1 week prepayment is required.
Tuition is required 52 weeks a year, whether or not your child attends; i.e., vacations, illnesses, etc. All weekly payments must be made on Monday of each week or earlier.
All checks must be made payable to Curious Minds Childcare. Parents will also be able to pay through Brightwheel.
5 Full Days- $370/week
4 Full Days- $360/week
3 Full Days- $350/week
5 Full Days: $360/week
4 Full Days: $345/week
3 Full Days: $330/week
5 Full Days: $340/week
4 Full Days: $325/week
3 Full Days: $310/week
Second Child Discount
A five percent second child discount is offered for full-time enrollees only. The percentage will be applied to the oldest child’s (or children’s) tuition. This discount does not apply to part time enrollment.
Late Fees & Service Charges
An additional $20 tuition fee will be charged if payment is received after 12:00 noon on Tuesday. An additional $5 tuition fee will be charged if payment is not made by Friday. These additional tuition fees accrue for each subsequent week of nonpayment.
If you are consistently delinquent or are more than one week late (except for circumstances discussed with the Director), this may be grounds for immediate dismissal and loss of your prepayment.
If you are late in picking up your child, there will be a $1 per minute charge past 6:00 p.m. and a $5 per minute past 6:05.
There will be a minimum $35 service charge for all checks for which there are insufficient funds. A new check is required, which includes the $35 service charge. The bounced check will then be returned to you. After receipt of two checks returned for insufficient funds, payment must be made in cash.